Act I: Waiting Room

Act I: Waiting Room (detail), 2017
Charcoal drawing, beta fish, candy bowl, succulent, sign-in book, bell and pen.
dimensions variable


Transpacific (a line drawn from Texas to Japan), 2012
194 #2 pencils, paper, steel, pencil sharpeners
40″w x 72″h

Impala Eardrums

Impala Eardrums, 2008
Salt water on car door
39.5″ x 37″

Beastly Words

Road Agent, Dallas, TX • 09.07

Beastly Words explores the fundamental flaw of language as an expression of our deepest selves, and the contradictions of language as image. Pained, repetitive words and phrases are subdued and channeled into new forms, given life as watery zebras, muscular tigers, an anthropomorphized WWII fighter plane, and breathless track runners.

Brown first creates film negatives from mysterious scrawlings recovered from a university library trash can—the aching and robotic exercises of an unknown author. Brown’s subsequent use of older photographic techniques to recontextualize the images, through Cyanotype and Van Dyke processes, naturally limits his palette to a calming range of organic browns and blues, fading or deepening depending on exposure to light. He imposes a more natural and visceral world on the underlying fumbling language, as well as foiling the hyper-Photoshopped slickness of our mass-media world.

Three Trees

Three Trees, 2012
Unique digital prints
13″ x 17″

Six Knots

Six Knots, 2016
Unique digital prints
24″ x 18″ each

Drawing Stairs

Drawing Stairs (1-9), ongoing
Graphite / ink on paper

Donkey Punch

Donkey Punch
Mixed media on chalk board
48″ x 72″

Fairytale of New York

Fairytale of  New York
paint, thread, marker, ink
48″ x 36″

Love’s Last Shift

Love’s Last Shift
mixed media on canvas
38″ x 36″